The name of this organization is “Longfellow Community Association” referred to in these Bylaws as “LCA”.
2. Territory.
“Territory” means all land in the city of Kansas City, Missouri that is enclosed byGillham Road from Thirty-first Street to McGee Trafficway and then by McGee Traffiway to Twenty-seventh Street, and then by McGee Street (or McGee Trafficway) to Twenty-fifth Street on the west, Twenty-fifth Street on the north to Troost Avenue on the east, and Thirty-first Street on the south, or the imaginary extension of those streets should they not continuously exist.
3. Purpose.
LCA is organized as a public benefit nonprofit corporation. LCA may use all the powers granted by applicable law and engage in any lawful activity. LCA’s purposes, include but are not limited to:
(i) enhancing livability in the Territory and adjoining areas and parks;
(ii) establishing and maintaining communication and cooperating with neighborhood residents, government agencies, important stakeholders in the Territory and surrounding areas, other neighborhoods, and neighborhood coalitions;
(iii) providing a process for all neighborhood residents to involve themselves in the neighborhood’s affairs;
(iv) advocating for improvements, proper planning, law enforcement, and safety within the Territory and surrounding areas; (v) organizing and operating exclusively for charitable, benevolent, educational, civic, cultural, health, social, literary, scientific, and community improvement
purposes only; and (vi) performing any activities related to LCA’s purposes as reasonably determined by the Board.
4. Membership.
4.1. Non-Discrimination. LCA shall not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, national origin, religion, creed, age, sexual orientation, political affiliation, physical handicap, or any other basis prohibited by applicable law.
4.2. Eligibility. To be eligible for membership in LCA:
(i) an individual must be at least 18 years old and live, own property, or own a licensed business in the Territory; or
(ii) an entity must have at least one location in the Territory and have a non-discrimination policy that is the same or substantially similar to section 4.1.
(iii) an individual or entity desiring membership in LCA shall make such application in writing by completing the “Application for Membership” form in print or online. The application shall be accepted if the person or entity meets the
eligibility requirements specified in Article 4.2, and those facts appear from the application or from information submitted to the LCA secretary in support of the application. One representative from each government agency, corporate or
nonprofit organization within the boundaries shall have the same privilege as the individual resident or property owner mentioned above. The voting representative of any government agency, corporate or nonprofit organization shall be designated in writing by letter to the LCA secretary or on the membership application form. If any applicant fails to meet the eligibility requirements, the secretary shall mark the application “rejected—applicant not eligible,” and return
it by mail or email. If an applicant is accepted, the applicant shall be so notified by mail or email.
4.3. Dues. Membership dues will be collected annually to help cover the costs of the website, dumpster days, neighborhood cleanups, community events, and special projects and will be valid for the calendar year. Dues will be collected according
to the following fee schedule:
(i) Individual or Household, $25
(ii) Student/Senior, $10
a. A Student will provide a current, valid student ID.
b. A Senior is aged 60 or over.
(iii) Business, $50
(iv) Patron, $100
4.4. Membership benefits. Members in good standing are entitled to:
(i) vote on voting matters. All members shall have one vote each to be cast during
attendance at any general or special meeting. Voting may be by voice, show of
hands, or by written ballot.
(ii) ability to sit on committees.
(iii) ability to run for a Board seat.
(iv) free participation in annual dumpster days (limited to residential members only).
(v) email communication on neighborhood news and information.
4.5. Termination. A member may end its membership voluntarily at any time. An
individual’s or entity’s membership in LCA automatically terminates when the
individual or entity no longer meets the requirements of section 4.2. LCA may
only end a member’s membership for just cause.
5. Officers.
5.1 Officers. LCA’s officers are the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. LCA’s officers must be members in good standing, and have been
members in good standing for at least one year.
5.2 Term. Each Officer will take office after LCA’s annual member meeting in June
and serve for a term of two years, or until a replacement has been selected in accordance
with these bylaws. President and Secretary will be elected in odd years, while Vice
President and Treasurer will be elected in even years.
5.3 Term Limits. Each Officer can serve no more than two consecutive terms in a
given office.
5.4 Removal. Motions to remove an officer must:
(i) be made at a regular meeting;
(ii) be included in an announcement before the meeting when the motion will be
presented for approval; and
(iii) be approved by a vote of at least two-thirds of the members present at that
5.5 Duties. The officers shall perform the duties assigned by these bylaws and any duties assigned by Board approved policies.
a. President. The President shall serve as LCA’s chief executive officer, chair all
LCA meetings, and be responsible for conducting LCA’s affairs, including filing
LCA legal documents as necessary. The President may delegate its authority to
any LCA officer.
b. Vice President. The Vice President shall assist the President and act as the
President if the President is absent from a meeting or incapacitated.
c. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all LCA meetings, create and
maintain membership lists, keep the official copy of the Articles of Incorporation
and Bylaws, and handle official correspondence.
d. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall collect and disburse LCA’s funds and maintain an
accurate record of all collections and disbursements, and give an oral or written
report at each meeting showing all collections and disbursements since the
previous meeting. The Treasurer shall keep its records open to the members at
reasonable times.
5.6 Past President. The Past President is a non-voting member of the board of directors and shall assist the current officers and board of directors with performing their duties. Upon electing a new President, the outgoing President will become the Past President. The Past President must be the immediately preceding President and will be automatically replaced by the outgoing President upon the election of a new President. If the President or Past President is elected to another position in LCA, there will be no Past President until a new President is elected.
6. Board.
6.1. Management. LCA’s board of directors shall manage, supervise, and control LCA’s affairs, including but not limited to safekeeping and disbursing LCA’s funds. LCA’s board of directors will consist of all of LCA’s officers and at least six but not more than eight individuals who are eligible for membership in LCA.
6.2. Term. Each member of the board of directors will be elected at LCA’s annual member meeting and take office after that meeting and serve for a term of one year, or until a replacement has been selected in accordance with these bylaws.
7. Meetings.
7.1. Manner.
a. The annual meeting of LCA’s members will be held on the first Monday of June. The members will elect Officers and Board members, and conduct other business during the annual meeting.
b. All meetings of the board, regular or special, will be held on the first Monday every month at Ronald McDonald House Charities, 2502 Cherry Street, or at a time and place the President determines, or, if not determined by the President, as determined by at least two-thirds vote of the board of directors at the previous meeting. The President may call special meetings of the Board, or in the President’s absence, the Secretary, or any two directors may call special meetings of the Board.
c. Members of the board of directors or of any committees designated by the Board may participate in a meeting of the Board or committee by means of conference telephone or similar communications technology that enable all persons participating in the meeting to communicate with each other. Participation in a meeting in this manner constitutes presence in person at the meeting.
d. Any action that is required to be or may be taken at a board of directors meeting, or of any committee, may be taken without a meeting, if all of the members of the board of directors or the committee, as the case may be, sign a writing memorializing the action to be taken. The consent shall have the same effect of a unanimous vote at a meeting duly held and may be stated as such in any certificate or document. The secretary shall file the consents with the minutes of the meetings of the board of directors or of the committee, as the case may be.
e. The act of the majority of the Board Members present at a meeting of the Board at which a quorum is present will be the act of the Board unless a greater number is required under the Articles of Incorporation, these bylaws, or any applicable laws of the state of Missouri.
7.2. Notice.
The Secretary shall give notice of the annual or any special meeting at least three days before that meeting via mail, email, or other electronic communication. Neither the business to be transacted, nor the purpose of any regular or special meeting needs to be specified in the notice of that meeting. Should a regular meeting date need to be changed, the Secretary will notify the Membership via mail, email, or other electronic communication as soon as possible.
7.3. Quorum.
Two-thirds of the incumbent members of the board of directors constitutes a quorum for the transacting business at any meeting of the board of directors.
7.4. Voting.
Each member is entitled to one vote. All votes must be cast in person during an LCA meeting. The chair of the meeting may establish how voting will occur at that meeting. LCA shall hold all meetings at which business is to be transacted open to the public. The President will allow comments on each item of business as time scheduled for the meeting allows. LCA shall not allow non-members to vote.
7.5. President’s Vote.
The President may only cast a vote when the regular board members’ votes results in a tie. The President must vote when the regular board members’ votes result in a tie.
7.6. Officer and Board Member Election. The members present at the annual meeting shall elect the Officers and at least six but not more than eight board members by simple majority vote. Votes are not cumulative. If a single officer candidate does not receive a simple majority of the votes cast, additional votes will be taken between the two candidates that received the most number of votes until one receives a simple majority of the votes cast.The eight board member candidates that receive the most votes will take office. Nominations for officer or board member may be made in writing, including electronic notification, to the Secretary before the annual meeting, or, without notice, in person at the annual meeting.
8. Vacancies.
If an Officer or board member refuses or is unable to act for the duration of their term, a majority of the Board may declare that office vacant. Vacancies may be filled by majority vote of the members present at the next regular or special meeting.
9. Removal.
To remove an officer or board member:
(i) the remaining board members must vote affirmatively by two-thirds vote to
recommend removal of that officer or board member for just cause to the
(ii) a special meeting must be called within 30 days of that vote and notice of that
meeting must be posted and published within the Territory at least 15 days before
the special meeting; and
(iii) at the special meeting, the members present must vote affirmatively by two-thirds vote to remove that officer or board member.
10. Committees.
The Board may establish committees as necessary or as directed by the members. Committees may be comprised of board members or members, but at least one board member must sit on each committee.
11. Agreements.
All agreements that will bind LCA must first be approved by the Board by two-thirds affirmative vote.
12. Amendments.
Any amendments to these bylaws must be approved by a vote of two-thirds affirmative vote of the members present at the general or special meeting when the amendment will be considered, where proper notice has been given. The Secretary shall distribute notice of the general or special meeting where the amendment will be considered throughout the Territory at least thirty days before that meeting.
The name of this organization is “Longfellow Community Association” referred to in these Bylaws as “LCA”.
2. Territory.
“Territory” means all land in the city of Kansas City, Missouri that is enclosed byGillham Road from Thirty-first Street to McGee Trafficway and then by McGee Traffiway to Twenty-seventh Street, and then by McGee Street (or McGee Trafficway) to Twenty-fifth Street on the west, Twenty-fifth Street on the north to Troost Avenue on the east, and Thirty-first Street on the south, or the imaginary extension of those streets should they not continuously exist.
3. Purpose.
LCA is organized as a public benefit nonprofit corporation. LCA may use all the powers granted by applicable law and engage in any lawful activity. LCA’s purposes, include but are not limited to:
(i) enhancing livability in the Territory and adjoining areas and parks;
(ii) establishing and maintaining communication and cooperating with neighborhood residents, government agencies, important stakeholders in the Territory and surrounding areas, other neighborhoods, and neighborhood coalitions;
(iii) providing a process for all neighborhood residents to involve themselves in the neighborhood’s affairs;
(iv) advocating for improvements, proper planning, law enforcement, and safety within the Territory and surrounding areas; (v) organizing and operating exclusively for charitable, benevolent, educational, civic, cultural, health, social, literary, scientific, and community improvement
purposes only; and (vi) performing any activities related to LCA’s purposes as reasonably determined by the Board.
4. Membership.
4.1. Non-Discrimination. LCA shall not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, national origin, religion, creed, age, sexual orientation, political affiliation, physical handicap, or any other basis prohibited by applicable law.
4.2. Eligibility. To be eligible for membership in LCA:
(i) an individual must be at least 18 years old and live, own property, or own a licensed business in the Territory; or
(ii) an entity must have at least one location in the Territory and have a non-discrimination policy that is the same or substantially similar to section 4.1.
(iii) an individual or entity desiring membership in LCA shall make such application in writing by completing the “Application for Membership” form in print or online. The application shall be accepted if the person or entity meets the
eligibility requirements specified in Article 4.2, and those facts appear from the application or from information submitted to the LCA secretary in support of the application. One representative from each government agency, corporate or
nonprofit organization within the boundaries shall have the same privilege as the individual resident or property owner mentioned above. The voting representative of any government agency, corporate or nonprofit organization shall be designated in writing by letter to the LCA secretary or on the membership application form. If any applicant fails to meet the eligibility requirements, the secretary shall mark the application “rejected—applicant not eligible,” and return
it by mail or email. If an applicant is accepted, the applicant shall be so notified by mail or email.
4.3. Dues. Membership dues will be collected annually to help cover the costs of the website, dumpster days, neighborhood cleanups, community events, and special projects and will be valid for the calendar year. Dues will be collected according
to the following fee schedule:
(i) Individual or Household, $25
(ii) Student/Senior, $10
a. A Student will provide a current, valid student ID.
b. A Senior is aged 60 or over.
(iii) Business, $50
(iv) Patron, $100
4.4. Membership benefits. Members in good standing are entitled to:
(i) vote on voting matters. All members shall have one vote each to be cast during
attendance at any general or special meeting. Voting may be by voice, show of
hands, or by written ballot.
(ii) ability to sit on committees.
(iii) ability to run for a Board seat.
(iv) free participation in annual dumpster days (limited to residential members only).
(v) email communication on neighborhood news and information.
4.5. Termination. A member may end its membership voluntarily at any time. An
individual’s or entity’s membership in LCA automatically terminates when the
individual or entity no longer meets the requirements of section 4.2. LCA may
only end a member’s membership for just cause.
5. Officers.
5.1 Officers. LCA’s officers are the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. LCA’s officers must be members in good standing, and have been
members in good standing for at least one year.
5.2 Term. Each Officer will take office after LCA’s annual member meeting in June
and serve for a term of two years, or until a replacement has been selected in accordance
with these bylaws. President and Secretary will be elected in odd years, while Vice
President and Treasurer will be elected in even years.
5.3 Term Limits. Each Officer can serve no more than two consecutive terms in a
given office.
5.4 Removal. Motions to remove an officer must:
(i) be made at a regular meeting;
(ii) be included in an announcement before the meeting when the motion will be
presented for approval; and
(iii) be approved by a vote of at least two-thirds of the members present at that
5.5 Duties. The officers shall perform the duties assigned by these bylaws and any duties assigned by Board approved policies.
a. President. The President shall serve as LCA’s chief executive officer, chair all
LCA meetings, and be responsible for conducting LCA’s affairs, including filing
LCA legal documents as necessary. The President may delegate its authority to
any LCA officer.
b. Vice President. The Vice President shall assist the President and act as the
President if the President is absent from a meeting or incapacitated.
c. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all LCA meetings, create and
maintain membership lists, keep the official copy of the Articles of Incorporation
and Bylaws, and handle official correspondence.
d. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall collect and disburse LCA’s funds and maintain an
accurate record of all collections and disbursements, and give an oral or written
report at each meeting showing all collections and disbursements since the
previous meeting. The Treasurer shall keep its records open to the members at
reasonable times.
5.6 Past President. The Past President is a non-voting member of the board of directors and shall assist the current officers and board of directors with performing their duties. Upon electing a new President, the outgoing President will become the Past President. The Past President must be the immediately preceding President and will be automatically replaced by the outgoing President upon the election of a new President. If the President or Past President is elected to another position in LCA, there will be no Past President until a new President is elected.
6. Board.
6.1. Management. LCA’s board of directors shall manage, supervise, and control LCA’s affairs, including but not limited to safekeeping and disbursing LCA’s funds. LCA’s board of directors will consist of all of LCA’s officers and at least six but not more than eight individuals who are eligible for membership in LCA.
6.2. Term. Each member of the board of directors will be elected at LCA’s annual member meeting and take office after that meeting and serve for a term of one year, or until a replacement has been selected in accordance with these bylaws.
7. Meetings.
7.1. Manner.
a. The annual meeting of LCA’s members will be held on the first Monday of June. The members will elect Officers and Board members, and conduct other business during the annual meeting.
b. All meetings of the board, regular or special, will be held on the first Monday every month at Ronald McDonald House Charities, 2502 Cherry Street, or at a time and place the President determines, or, if not determined by the President, as determined by at least two-thirds vote of the board of directors at the previous meeting. The President may call special meetings of the Board, or in the President’s absence, the Secretary, or any two directors may call special meetings of the Board.
c. Members of the board of directors or of any committees designated by the Board may participate in a meeting of the Board or committee by means of conference telephone or similar communications technology that enable all persons participating in the meeting to communicate with each other. Participation in a meeting in this manner constitutes presence in person at the meeting.
d. Any action that is required to be or may be taken at a board of directors meeting, or of any committee, may be taken without a meeting, if all of the members of the board of directors or the committee, as the case may be, sign a writing memorializing the action to be taken. The consent shall have the same effect of a unanimous vote at a meeting duly held and may be stated as such in any certificate or document. The secretary shall file the consents with the minutes of the meetings of the board of directors or of the committee, as the case may be.
e. The act of the majority of the Board Members present at a meeting of the Board at which a quorum is present will be the act of the Board unless a greater number is required under the Articles of Incorporation, these bylaws, or any applicable laws of the state of Missouri.
7.2. Notice.
The Secretary shall give notice of the annual or any special meeting at least three days before that meeting via mail, email, or other electronic communication. Neither the business to be transacted, nor the purpose of any regular or special meeting needs to be specified in the notice of that meeting. Should a regular meeting date need to be changed, the Secretary will notify the Membership via mail, email, or other electronic communication as soon as possible.
7.3. Quorum.
Two-thirds of the incumbent members of the board of directors constitutes a quorum for the transacting business at any meeting of the board of directors.
7.4. Voting.
Each member is entitled to one vote. All votes must be cast in person during an LCA meeting. The chair of the meeting may establish how voting will occur at that meeting. LCA shall hold all meetings at which business is to be transacted open to the public. The President will allow comments on each item of business as time scheduled for the meeting allows. LCA shall not allow non-members to vote.
7.5. President’s Vote.
The President may only cast a vote when the regular board members’ votes results in a tie. The President must vote when the regular board members’ votes result in a tie.
7.6. Officer and Board Member Election. The members present at the annual meeting shall elect the Officers and at least six but not more than eight board members by simple majority vote. Votes are not cumulative. If a single officer candidate does not receive a simple majority of the votes cast, additional votes will be taken between the two candidates that received the most number of votes until one receives a simple majority of the votes cast.The eight board member candidates that receive the most votes will take office. Nominations for officer or board member may be made in writing, including electronic notification, to the Secretary before the annual meeting, or, without notice, in person at the annual meeting.
8. Vacancies.
If an Officer or board member refuses or is unable to act for the duration of their term, a majority of the Board may declare that office vacant. Vacancies may be filled by majority vote of the members present at the next regular or special meeting.
9. Removal.
To remove an officer or board member:
(i) the remaining board members must vote affirmatively by two-thirds vote to
recommend removal of that officer or board member for just cause to the
(ii) a special meeting must be called within 30 days of that vote and notice of that
meeting must be posted and published within the Territory at least 15 days before
the special meeting; and
(iii) at the special meeting, the members present must vote affirmatively by two-thirds vote to remove that officer or board member.
10. Committees.
The Board may establish committees as necessary or as directed by the members. Committees may be comprised of board members or members, but at least one board member must sit on each committee.
11. Agreements.
All agreements that will bind LCA must first be approved by the Board by two-thirds affirmative vote.
12. Amendments.
Any amendments to these bylaws must be approved by a vote of two-thirds affirmative vote of the members present at the general or special meeting when the amendment will be considered, where proper notice has been given. The Secretary shall distribute notice of the general or special meeting where the amendment will be considered throughout the Territory at least thirty days before that meeting.